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December - To Read

This year is coming to an end, and I want to prepare and share my list of novels that I want to read while cozied up on the couch this winter break.

The Employee by Olga Ravn - Millions of kilometres away from Earth, the crew of a spaceship are finding themselves becoming strangely attached through inanimate objects. I'm particularly interested in the structure of the novel, written through HR reports filed by the employees themselves.

Carnality by Lina Wolff - A Swedish writer on a trip to Madrid meets a strange man in a bar who shares the tale of a morally gray dark web internet TV show and an interfering nun who is missing her thumb.

The Woman in the Dunes by Kobō Abe - A teacher takes some time off work to travel, and enters a small village partly situated within a range of sand dunes. He asks for shelter for the night, and the villagers lower him into a deep, dark pit that is inhabited by a lone, friendly woman. In the morning, he can't escape as the villagers have trapped him to become her partner in endless moving sand so that the village does not get eaten up by the surrounding dunes.

Recursion by Blake Crouch - There is a branch of a condition known as False Memory Syndrome where victims are being plagued with memories of a past life they never lived.

How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu - A series of interconnected short stories about a climate-related plague that has decimated the entire world.


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